
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I Love Happy Endings. So (suh) much.

I'm in mourning...

This show is Ah-MAH-zing and TERRIBLY underrated. ABC has decided not to renew it, but it is not dead in the water yet. There is apparently interest from another network in picking it up. PLEASE.

Now let me gush over it...

There's something about a TV show with six very different characters that are best friends that works so well (ahem, Friends). The clash of the different personalities is constantly what drives the plots in the show (that and the ridiculous words that come out of their mouths). This could be terribly predictable about creating a show, but Happy Endings has something else. It could be the non-stop dialogue that never slows down or is rarely not delivering joke after joke. The references to pop culture are sometimes so obscure or ridiculous it's amazing that the writers even came up with it (not that I ever doubt writers...). Watching the show feels like you are constantly sharing some inside joke just between you and the characters.

Now, personally, I like to think that I am a mix of Jane, Alex, and Penny. A take-charge person like Jane, a lovable (slightly neurotic) person like Penny, and someone who makes comments that sounded-very-different-in-their-head person like Alex. But in actuality, I'm probably a Jane (don't get me wrong, she's probably my favorite character)- the person who constantly reminds you that you are wrong about things and is probably too sarcastic for their own good. Also, ways that I'm not like Penny or Alex include: consciously working to not abbreviate everything I say (like Penny) and just, in general, thinking a bit more...unlike Alex...

I'd get into the guys, but that's worth a whole other blog post...

Some notable quotes from recent episodes:

"This is like gay Christmas." "Hold up, that's the Oscars."

"Or you could not say it. Up to you. I'm not your mouth boss." -I wish I could be a mouth boss for some people.

"You gave me a serious addiction to candy cigarettes."

"Cotton irritates my Nipsey Russells."

"Hey, watch your mouth when you're talking about the fabric of our lives."

"He's like Don Draper with twice the drinking and half the hair."

"You look like Coolio when he takes his braids out."

"Butt crack has no place in a super gay beauty pageant."


Please find a way to make this show come back! I want to watch them play more tennis set to "Playing with the Boys." That was SUH funny.

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