
Friday, June 7, 2013

Finland cares about its Mothers


I read this BBC report the other day and can't stop thinking about it. Perhaps it's because I didn't know a country would ever actually do this. Turns out not only does a country do this, they have been doing it for a long time (75 years)!

In Finland, the government provides all mothers with a "starter kit" of sorts, to have when they bring their baby home. The kit comes in a cardboard box with a mattress on the bottom, so a baby's first crib is usually this box. The kit itself includes clothes, diapers, toys, blankets, etc. One of the things it does not include is a bottle and this is to encourage breast-feeding.

My opinion on this kit is that it is a great program. I'm sure there are those who disagree, but it's difficult to argue against providing much-needed supplies to mothers and their children. It is not just for those with low-income and this is actually one of my favorite parts. It is a government-run program for all mothers. The mothers also have the option of taking money instead of the box of supplies, but most choose the supplies because it is of greater value. Some mothers said that they keep the box of supplies for future children (colors in the kit are gender-neutral) and take the money later on .

Now, would the U.S. EVER do this? No. At least, I can't see it happening. This is disappointing too. It's such a wonderful support and a great example of caring about your citizens. Oh yeah, and Finland also has a low infant mortality rate (which is why the program was started in the first place - to lower infant mortality. The mothers have to visit a doctor before their fourth month of pregnancy to receive it.) and Finnish mothers were recently revealed to be the happiest mothers. It's nice to see that is what results when a country puts some support into its citizens, INSTEAD of trying to take away contraception, the right-to-choose, prenatal care for low-income women (our infant mortality rate is high), and then telling, the inevitable increase in, pregnant women, "sorry, you're on your own."

Anyways, go read the article and be inspired that such a cool program exists.

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