
Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Hangover Cure

We've all been there. The "I hate my life" morning (or full day) after a night of fun. Hangovers can be the worst. It can take you too long to recover and can even be a struggle to get out of bed the next day. So I worked on finding something that helped me with my hangover. They may be rare for me, but when they do happen, I regret my previous life choices. This helps ease that regret a little (hopefully it's one of those nights where this is the only thing you regret).

Now, I'm not claiming this is the answer to all "a little too much" drinking or will magically make you feel like you did no drinking the night before. But it should allow you to actually get out of bed in the morning (which on days like those, can be your biggest accomplishment). The best part is you probably already have these items.

The most important part of this "cure" is to take it before you go to bed. It won't help much if you take it in the morning. Its "magical" powers work overnight. :)

The "Cure":

2 Advil pills
1 Vitamin B
2 Alka-Seltzer tablets (in water)

Step 1: I take the Advil and Vitamin B pill and then follow by drinking the Alka-Seltzer (you can use it to take the pills, but I like to get as much water in me as possible).
Step 2: Sleep.
Step 3: Wake up, feeling "not quite as fresh" as a daisy

This is what works for me. I noticed a huge difference the first time I tried these together before I went to sleep after drinking. It may work for you, or you may have to find your own "cure." Give it a try.

*Along with this, you should try to drink as much water as you can!!

"Get yourself some Alka-Seltzer..." (you know it)

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